

November 19, 2021  12:00 PM EST- 1:00 PM EST


W H A T   P E O P L E  S A Y :


"It was a transformational session."

"Attracted a worldwide audience and addressed the topic very well."

"Tim put into words my experiences & observations."
"The presentation was just superb."
"The content & energy was amazing!"

"It was the most high-energy & engaging webinar I've attended."



C O N T E X T :

Organizations spend millions of dollars every year in the pursuit of employee engagement. They launch all kinds of employee engagement campaigns and deploy a variety of employee engagement surveys. In fact, employee engagement has become its own industry. That's not surprising because research shows that employee engagement directly correlates with outcomes like productivity, quality, retention, and customer loyalty.
But what if employee engagement is actually a symptom of something else? What if there's another factor further back in the causal chain, something that explains employee engagement? In this webinar, Dr. Timothy R. Clark will make the case that employee engagement is primarily the result of psychological safety, which refers to an environment of rewarded vulnerability. When there's high psychological safety, employee engagement almost always follows as a natural consequence. 
Here's what we'll discuss:
  1. What is employee engagement?
  2. What is psychological safety?
  3. Why psychological safety comes first
  4. Why employee engagement programs fail
  5. Why you should measure psychological safety first

Employee engagement & psychological safety:

Which Comes First? Which one is the lead indicator? Which one is the lag indicator? Which one is the consequence of the other? 



S P E A K E R :




Dr. Timothy R. Clark is the founder and CEO of LeaderFactor, a global consulting, coaching, and training organization. Dr. Clark is an international authority in the fields of psychological safety & innovation, large-scale change & transformation, and senior leadership development. He is the author of five books: The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation, Epic Change: How to Lead Change in the Global Age (John Wiley/Jossey-Bass), Leadership Bones (Bradmore Road Press), The Employee Engagement Mindset (McGraw-Hill), Leading with Character and Competence: Moving Beyond Title, Position, And Authority (Berrett-Koehler). He is also the developer of the EQometer emotional intelligence assessment.

Dr. Clark is a highly sought-after advisor, coach, and facilitator to CEOs and senior leadership teams. He has personally coached over 100 CEOs and executives and trained many senior teams around the world. Dr. Clark earned a Ph.D. in social science from Oxford University and was both a British Research Scholar and a Fulbright Scholar at Seoul National University in Korea. He also earned a master’s degree in government and economics from the University of Utah. As an undergraduate at Brigham Young University, he was named a first-team Academic All-American football player where he completed a triple degree cum laude.